Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Workout: Final Word

It may have just been me but Jackie seemed a bit stand-offish last night...not just with Andy but with her trainers also. Even when they were talking about the loss of Doug and everyone else was crying, she came across as removed. This has been a tough season on all fronts: loss of friends, family struggles, loss of relationships, business ventures going poorly...and an odd dating situation. Definatly not as "light" as last season...I wonder if there'll be a next season?


Anonymous said...

Does anyone recall that the first season was closing with Jackie undergoing fertility treatments for egg harvesting? That has not been pursued at all in Season Two, so, I assume, that expensive and painful endeavor came to naught.


mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

Yes I did notice she acted odd. You pose a good question.

Marius said...

That's a very good observation. She also seemed a little distant. I was expecting her to interact more with Jesse and Rebecca, but she didn't seem interested.

bungle said...

One thing that was telling involved the evolution of Jackie's Mom's thoughts.

So I guess she went from the old line "Well you're deviant and you're totally culpable because it is entirely your choice" to a "Well, it turns out there is a biochemical reason for your deviance so I guess it's our (the parents) fault via a stressful pregnancy, so you're somewhat off the hook but you're still deviant" sort of position. Sure, J's Mom cares about her kid and wants to soften the bad news to protect her I guess. Kudos for that, and I can see where that would be some progress.

But really? The only such thing that exists as "The Problem Of Homosexuality" is a fallacious turn of muddled thinking that resides in the minds of most of us str8s. The solution to the problem is that we just need to get over it and accept that consenting adults fact of life as it is.

I'm not saying that J's Mom is wrong or needs to do this or that. She's in a bit of a spot and I can't speak to her personal situation. I'm saying with regard to Moms with Gay progeny that if a helluva lot more of the str8 side voiced acceptance things inside and out might go a little easier on said Moms. And who's NOT in favor of being nice to Moms?