Sunday, June 3, 2007

Conversation With a D-Lister


Kathy G: Hallo?

Ms. Place: Hey, Kathy. Ms. Place, here. You don’t know me from atom, but the Bravo Brass asked me to ring you up and have a frank discussion before your third season airs. I’m an image consultant.

Kathy G: Say what, BITCH?

Ms. Place: I’ve been brought in to help tamp down your brash mouth. You have a huge audience, but Bravo thinks they can up the numbers.

Kathy G: Ouch!

Ms. Place: Don't get me wrong, dahling. Bravo loves your honesty. The brass ROFL whenever you dis the famous, but they’ve got their own future to consider. Lots of mouths to feed, and all.

Kathy G: I AM their future, you cow pucky! They think Paula will draw bigger numbers? Hah! What a joke.

Click here to read more.

Posted by Ms. Place

Disclaimer: This conversation came purely from Ms. Place's fertile imagination. Although she is convinced that she and Kathy are soulmates, they have never spoken. In other words, don't get your knickers in a twist, dahlings. This post is all about fun and sport.

1 comment:

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

Everytime I see the promos I sigh and think "ho hum" then I watch her and I am completely captivated. I get a big kick out of her.