Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lady Finger Rates Top Chef’s 4 Stars All Stars

I am Ms. Place’s friend, Lady Finger. Each week I will rate my favorite and least favorite chefs from the previous week’s Top Chef show.

My middle finger award for least favorite Chef this week goes to … Ilan
Any one object?

Stephen Asprinio earns all my fingers as outstanding and most entertaining Chef. He not only won the quickfire challenge with his perfect omelet, but he led his team to victory with his usual brand of humility. In fact, I decided to ask him a few questions, which I borrowed from James Lipton. I'm sure Mr. Lipton won't mind.
Lady Finger: Hi Stephen, It was nice to watch you in action again.
Stephen: Thank you.
Lady Finger: You seemed less full of yourself. More grown up! In fact you were a team player. I was a bit surprised.
Stephen: Thank you for noticing. I’ve been working on my hubris, trying to tamp it down a bit. I don’t want to turn people off as I follow my bliss as the world’s foremost chef.
Lady Finger: Coughs. Well, do you mind answering just a few questions?
Stephen: No, not at all.

1. "What is your favorite word?” Stephen
2. "What is your least favorite word?"Thunderbird. As in wine.
3. "What turns you on?" My face in the mirror.
4. "What turns you off?" Not being recognized as the greatest chef walking on the face of this earth.
5. "What sound do you love?" My own voice.
6. "What sound or noise do you hate?" The sound of picking up my knives to go.
7. "What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?" Top Chef judge. I know flavor profiles. I know ingredients. I know wine. I know plating. I know cooking. I know about running a restaurant. I simply … know.

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