Sunday, April 29, 2007

Shear Genius: Texas Chainsaw Massacre!

posted by Eric3000

For the third episode's quickfire challenge the geniuses get to watch Sally create her famous Sally shag.

Geniuses: "Ooh! It's such an honor to get to watch Sally perform a haircut!"

Well, yes, I guess it's marginally more entertaining than watching someone "perform" an oil change.

Then the geniuses have to re-create the exact cut.

Tyson wins!

John Edwards: "I would totally pay $650 for that haircut!"

Ann Coulter: "Fag."

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Vic said...

This took me forever to read. That's because I stopped breathing from laughing so hard, and the ambulance crew had to put me on s nebulizer. When I could read the rest, I started to gasp from laughter all over again. You are bad for my health, E3K.

How do you manage to be funny and spot on at the same time? Thanks for the recap!

kittens not kids said...

"Tabatha: "Why? Their families are probably just a bunch of losers like they are."

Anthony: "You got that right."

hee HEE! this dialogue between anthony and tabatha was the best part of the show! i love that tabatha! the rest of the geniuses (genii?) are a bunch of crybabies!

also, i think i love that you referred to it as "the Eric Household." for some reason this cracks me up.

oh theodore! ever so cute, you little poppet you! sorry to see you sashay off into the sunset!

TheHoInMO said...

"Danna picked a trained ferret"

You know it's going to be a good day when you spew tea through your nose while reading Eric's recap. Oh my gawd, too freakin funny!


Bravissimo said...

The funniest recap EVER!


Marius said...

OMG, I can't stop laughing. And I loved the John Edwards bit—so true! Great post.