Saturday, May 12, 2007

Shearly Wonderful Bitch Slap Fest

Tabatha's on a roll...

It takes a woman to know a man. Tyson's nothing but fig jam, and I'm gonna kick his weasely ass!

Or slice and dice him.

Fig jam. Mmm. Sounds tasty. Think I'll try it on white bread.

Meanwhile, in Boogie land...

Wonder what a female butt feels like?

Ayeeeei, it jiggled!

"Ya gotta minimize the maximus, shugah, or you gonna look like a side of beef in no time."

Place your friggin paws on me again, 'Boogie' Langerston, and I'll sic the death star on you.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Especially the Boogie pat down.

Anonymous said...

Tyson: "Let's see, I know nothing about the Elizabethan era, but that shouldn't matter. Neither do the judges."

Truer snark was never snarked. He was a good 150+ years off.